Published Articles
Communicating Confidently Is Key to Leadership
A good leader must be aware of how well they communicate verbally and nonverbally.
Educating Young Girls Means Bigger Business in the Future
Young girls can be less motivated to pursue new activities or ambitious careers. The work to encourage them to pursue leadership roles, can't start early enough.
Measuring the Impact of Female Entrepreneurs
An increasing number of women are investing in being entrepreneurs. As they do, they bring their considerable professional experience along with them.
Untapped Resource in WBO's
NAWBO Institute for Entrepreneurial Development Chair Teresa Meares shares her insight on women business owners. She sheds light on the shift in business and why, more than capital, our leaders need to change.
Women-owned businesses are growing, but still face challenges
Numerous studies point to the fact that women who run their own businesses tend to get less capital investment overall and fewer bank loans than their male counterparts.